Tuesday, May 01, 2007

I missed my second target :(

I missed my mark by $72.31, folks. Dont be disappointed with me. I did my best. I missed a whole month of beauty sleep and killed trillions of brain cells staying up to write paid posts. It's somehow official that i've migrated online. I think by now, my online empire have expanded by 3 folds since i started writing paid posts. I've more than 10 domains and no idea how to manage them, lol.

It was thrilling, it was exciting, it was exhilarating, it was PURE JOY!!! If only i did this well during my school day, now.... that would have meant something, lol. But maybe not. I might have ended being a worker employee for a company. No matter how big the company is, i'll still be employed; PERIOD!! Now i want to celebrate. How? Buy more domains, YAY!!!!


L B said...

WAA!!!! You rich already! Haha, ok, I want TWO lormaikais next time, ok? Eh, isn't that against TOS, posting figures?

Unknown said...

Congratulation, top 5 earners in PPP !!! Wow, must belanja makan leh...hehe...

Simple American said...

I say round the number up and celebrate. Woo hoo!

WAHM said...

congrats, go gal! go! cheering you on!! So happy for you:)