Sunday, August 05, 2007

Colloidal Silver for health

My friend dropped by with her two kids for a fun-filled afternoon yesterday. We were having tea when her daughter ran up to her and told her that Gordon has spots all over his legs. My friend got concerned and took a look. I told her he had a bout of food allergy recently which i suspected had to do with some fried oysters that got mixed with his food when we were holidaying at PD. I didnt give him any and have no idea how it got mixed. Maybe from the same wok and cooking utensils most likely.

When my friend saw how bad those rashes on Gordon's legs were, he told us all about colloidal silver, which happens to be a natural antibacterial agent. He says colloidal silver can help by eliminating all the bacterial that may be still under his skin. Her daughter also had the same experience and she gave her some and it never came back. So, she says it works and asked me to try it out. She even asked me to make sure that the colloidal silver is made of silver particles and not silver ions. YES MADAM!!!

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