I think i must have said over a thousand three-worded sentences to my hubby over the years we've been together. And to tell you the truth, there's only one that made him jump up and down with glee. It's not "I Love You", not even "I Miss You". And no... not even "I'll marry you", lol. I dont even get to say those three words often, only twice so far. I think by now all of you will be scratching your head thinking what words are those that i am so secretive about, eh. It's none other than, "I am pregnant".
Are these the most wonderful words in the world for my man? I think these three words are the best ones for just about any man in the world waiting for the arrival of their very first child. And when i showed him the pregnancy test wand that confirmed it all, he took me out to the fanciest restaurant in town to celebrate this happy moment of our married life. The next thing i did was to get him to read up on Dad-to-be : What to expect, lol. And another important thing is naming our baby. There's just so much to read up on like Babyname Do's and Don'ts. So, if you are expecting your very first child, do check out those interesting links i provided here. Enjoy, ya!!!
Niasing! At first, I thought you're pregnant again! Especially since you've not been feeling so well lately! Bluff me!
choi choi choi, sao gung jorrrrrrr......
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