Thursday, August 07, 2008

Which LCD tv should i buy?

I had a talk with hubby last night whether should be buy a new tv back for our bedroom or not. You see, my FIL wouldnt let my kid play outside at the living hall. I just bought a new Wii for Gordon recently and it's been a long time since he had fun with it. We do have an old crt inside our bedroom. But when we plugged the Wii to it, all we got was black and white images. How to play, lol.

Hubby asked me to find out if we need to buy a stand for it or not. I told him i dont think we need one at the moment as i'll be putting it on top of our tall chest of drawers. Or maybe hang it on the wall. Anyway, a friend gave me a link to a site that sells very good quality plasma stands. If you intend to buy one, then hop over to the site and check them out.

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