Sunday, August 29, 2010

Want to stop smoking fast?

I used to smoke many many years back before i had kids. I was still smoking when i got pregnant with my first kid and didnt know it. I stopped smoking cold turkey the moment my pregnancy was confirmed. Why it took me so long to stop, right? Well, for once, my period is one of the most erratic type and can range from 34 to 45 days. How to know whether i'm pregnant or not lah, ok. Moreover, i've already given up trying for one when #1 decided to come live in me for nine months.

So, how to stop smoking fast. How not to stop smoking then? Pregnant worrr. Wanna kill the baby meh, right. It my first pregnancy and i dont want anything to happen to the little unborn being growing inside me what. So, mai fast fast snub out everything and throw away the lighter lorrr. Anyway, you dont need to get pregnant to actually stop smoking fast. Just imagine living with a racking cough every single day every single hour for the rest of your life till you die. Will that get you to stop smoking this very instance? No, then you go figure out another better reason on why you should stop smoking fast, ok.

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