Friday, April 04, 2008

Ching ming

My hubby went with my in-laws for ching ming this morning. I didnt follow cos no one to keep an eye on my kids. Cant leave them alone mah, haimai. When he came back, he told me he saw many new and innovative items that people now burn for those living in the netherworld. they now have sexy lingerie too, lol. I read from The Star that these were imported items and costs a lot.

His ancestors all live in condominiums, not those hillside bungalows. Dont have to clear graves each year. I think i've only been there once. But, one day, i'll surely take my kids to kowtow to their great grandparents. I wonder what kind of innovative items people will come up with next year. Maybe travel deals or tickets to visit their friends and relatives in different part of the netherworld? LOLZ!!!!

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