Thursday, January 06, 2011

Cityville cheats

I've been playing Cityville since i got the invitation link from Zynga, long before most of my FB friends started to play. It was so lonely at the beginning when i only have my own accounts to send gifts to and fro, lol. Well, not for long as many of my friends soon caught the Cityville bug. I'm now at Level 55 and still moving up fast thanks to my thoughtful friends. Some of them even asked me for Cityville cheats as they cannot believe that i can be at a level so far from them, lol. Well, you can try to use cheat engine to rick the app into giving you lots of coins, or levels. Me, i no longer use game cheat to move up the levels during gameplay as i dont see the ppint. I only get people get frustrated and they might just stop sending me gifts out of jealousy. As long as i get lots of Zoning permit, your Cityville level will go up fast, ok. And also, dont trade in your collections as you need them to complete your misssions. Saves you lots of time this way. Happy playing, ya.

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