Monday, August 06, 2007

Broken photo frame

I think what i'm gonna do is printout a huge poster and hang it outside my main door that no dogs are welcomed inside the house, EVER!!! PERIOD!!!! My SIL for the third time, brought her frisky puppy over just now. She wanted to let him run about int the field opposite my house. I dont care where he runs as long as he stays outside.

Another thing is, that puppy unleashed and like to jump all over the house. And this time, he broke hubby's favorite photo frame. I'm so going to tell him to ban the dog from this house. And better to ban the owner as well. Thank god it wasnt the digital photo frame we bought the other day. You know how expensive those digital frames can be, right. If you want to buy one, you can get it from

Hubby loves these kind of gadgets and as he loves photography, he will definitely invest a lot in these items. He nearly wanted to put it at the same place. Lucky for us, i insist we put it inside the bedroom. Even so, i'm going to make sure that my SIL gets the message and keep her dog off my premise. Or else....

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