Monday, February 09, 2015

10 days to Chinese New Year 2015.... so what

Since the start of February, my facebook timeline has been filled with statuses relating to Chinese New year, which is like, lemme count..... 10 days away. From cookies sales to indoor decoration to buying new clothes for the family to getting ingredients ready for reunion dinner to booking dinners at restaurants and such. For me, it's a totally different story. All my family of 4 wants is just to spend a really quiet Chinese New year, away from all the hoohah humdrum norm. We have just gone through a very difficult time for the past six months. Visiting family members during Chinese is the last thing we want to do, really.

Reunion dinner will be the most difficult thing for me this coming Chinese New Year. I still havent gotten over what happened last August. Neither does hubs. Nor do i want to face any of the Wong clan. Each and everyone of them make me puke my guts out. Therefore, why bother going over for the sake of traditions, right? The only important thing about reunion dinner at least for me, is to set an example for my two little boys. So, grit my teeth i must, show face, and that's it. Dont think i can bring myself to stomach any of the food there.

As for my own family, i'm also a upset with them. With their indifference over what happened to me. Siblings.... hahahahaa. Not even a phonecall to offer any form of immediate assistance nor words of comfort when it is needed most. Do not expect anything from me henceforth. It's true when people say one will see their true colors when a crisis happens. So, bother la .... we will be selfishly happy for once. They all can go fly kite... !!!

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